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THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY: A significance of God's great love.

Ancient tradition holds(just as can be read from the preface of the Mass of Mary's Assumption, Roman Missal), that on the third day after Mary's death, the Apostles went with some other disciples to adorn the tomb of the blessed Virgin Mary but upon arriving, found it empty and filled with flowers. Then they heard the chants of angels singing: "A Virgin before birth, a Virgin at birth, a virgin after birth" and at this instant they understood by inlosed knowledge that God had taken the body of blessed Virgin Mary into heaven.

The manifold of lessons which this action of God (of not leaving the body of His Holy Mother to suffer corruption nor wait till the last day to be reunited with her soul) teaches us that Mary is the faithful spouse of the Holy Spirit and the beloved daughter of the eternal Father, and can all be collectively learnt from Pope Pius XII's dogmatic constitution, Munificentissimus-Deus - on the Assumption of Mary, as well as ancient sermons on this subject by the Fathers (see St. Augustine for example, 4th Century) and from the generation of saints. Pope Nicholas 1 in the 9th Century fixed its celebration on August 15th.
(The death of Mary is celebrated on August 13th).


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